Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Data Subset

Load the *.tdbt file.
1. To see what targets are available use View->Mission Statistics. Expand the Mission Statistics window to view all of the targets (Ship ID = 10). Note times 07:59 to 11:31 and number of samples (Target-1 2232 pts, Target-2 2209)
2. To see all of the display data points use the Focus toolbar icon to cycle through the targets (including the ship). Right click in the plot area and select INPUTS->Target settings to adjust the number of pts being displayed.
3. Activate search mode (View-> Search Mode) for the target of interest.
4. Use the Search Mode Flashlight icon to set the START time for a sub-set of the data to be saved (e.g. 09:00-10:00). The triangle search icon will jump to the nearest target point corresponding to that time (e.g. Target-1 8:59:56.750). Then click on the Search tool bar START icon to mark the beginning of the data subset you want.
5. Use the Search Mode Flashlight icon to set the END time for a sub-set of the data to be saved (e.g. 09:00-10:00). The triangle search icon will jump to the nearest target point corresponding to that time (e.g. Traget-1 8:59:56.750). Then click on the Search tool bar END icon to mark the end of the data subset you want.
6. To save out the selected sub-section of the data click on the Search tool bar "File-Disk" icon and choose the folder of interest. Name you sub-set of data (e.g. "SubSet 0900-1000_trk").
7. Upon completing export of all required sub data sets exit the IPS.
8. To Export the subsets of data into text or GIS data formats Launch the IPS and open the subset file you just created.
9.   Use File->Export Data->Text to create a new file from the subset file.
10. For example to Export Target Position and Depth in TPD format:
       Click the TPD radio button.
       For raw data select "Raw Data".
       Select desired time format (e.g.
       For JUST Target data (to exclude ship data) click "Target Data Only".
       Click [Ok].
       Enter a file name- and save.
11. The text file will be saved in folder the IPS data was load in from.
Example of exported data:
$IPTPD,01,4134.3697,N,07054.4133,W,001.0,M, 9:00:27.11,T,R
$IPTPD,02,4134.3924,N,07055.3026,W,001.0,M, 9:00:37.69,T,R
$IPTPD,01,4134.8754,N,07054.6082,W,001.0,M, 9:00:57.94,T,R
$IPTPD,01,4134.4916,N,07054.3268,W,001.0,M, 9:01:02.85,T,R
$IPTPD,02,4134.9296,N,07054.5675,W,001.0,M, 9:01:13.00,T,R
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