Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

DPT Depth Position Target

MO Resolution A.224(VII).  Water depth relative to the transducer and offset of the measuring transducer.  Positive offset numbers provide the distance from the transducer to the waterline.  Negative offset numbers provide the distance from the transducer to the part of the keel of interest.
             1       2
1.        Water depth relative to the transducer in meters.
2.        Offset relative to the transducer in meters.
•         For DPT, the IPS will only use a positive transducer offset (the distance from the water line to the transducer) in order to calculate the total water depth with respect to the surface.
•        If the second field contains a negative value this would indicate the distance from the transducer to the keel. The IPS will ignore this value and return the depth with respect to the transducer.  
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