Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

DTF NOAA With ARCView Data

This format includes all of the information in the DTF IPS Data Base Format described above, but also includes a tab deliminated header and the mission information.  The mission information is the Cruise_ID, Dive_ID, Vehicle_ID, Pilot_1, Pilot_2, Obs_1 and Obs_2.  The mission information may be entered in Setup->Mission Information.   A separate directory is also created for the text file using the dive name and number. 
        1            2          3                   4                           5                      6                       7
ROV_2006        728        SeaMax        Steven Smith           Mike Thomas      Charlie Davis        John Wilson
     8               9       10               11                        12         13         14     15      16        
  17       18   19       20     21       22     23  24    25                   26
-3.82 1.40 ,0.00,m, 127,244.00,0.00,0.00,7,1500.0,m/s,-12.6,-28.9,61.7,9
1.          Cruise_ID        
2.          Dive_ID        
3.          Vehicle_ID        
4.          Pilot_1        
5.          Pilot_2        
6.          Obs_1        
7.          Obs_2
8.      Date
9.      Time
10.      Target id
11.     Lat long degrees.  For example 20 degrees 30 minutes = 20.5000
12.      Depth and altitude in system units.  If the IPS system units are meters, then the units are in meters, otherwise  they are in feet.
13.      Altitude in system units.  If the IPS system units are meters, then the units are in meters, otherwise  they are in feet.  If either the depth or altitude are invalid a -1 will be displayed in that field.
14.     Course over ground (COG) [deg].
15.     Speed over ground [knots].
16.      Platform heading.  Note the platform is the target ID.  These values will not equal the USBL heading, roll pitch unless it is  ship data.  For example the platform could be an AUV, ROV Manned sub etc..
17.    Platform roll.
18.    Platform  pitch.
19.    Platform heave. If system units = meters => meters else feet.
20.     Platform Attitude quality flag:
bit #: 8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1  }
{­        0   PR   PP   PH   PZ   UR   UP   UH  }
        USBL HeadingValid = 1;  {­ 00000001 }
        USBL PitchValid = 2;    {­ 00000010 }
        USBL RollValid = 4;     {­ 00000100 }
        Platform HeaveValid = 8;    {­ 00001000 }              
        Platform HeadingValid = 16; {­ 00010000 }
        Platform PitchValid = 32;   {­ 00100000 }
        Platform RollValid = 64;    {­ 01000000 }
21.    USBL Heading,
22.    USBL  Roll
23.    USBL  Pitch 
24.    USBL quality flag (see above)
25.    Sound velocity in m/s or feet/s
26.     Position quality flag: EdgeTech raw x,y,z [m] quality factor.  If Ship (GPS) Number of satellites, GPS quality indicator (0 '?'none, 1' '-GPS, 2 'D'-DGPS, 3'P'-PPP mode fix valid, 4'R'-RTK Fixed, 5'F'-RTK float, 6'I'-Free inertial, DOP (dilution of precision), Age of differential GPS data [sec], Differential reference station ID 0000-1023.
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