Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Ethernet Configuration

The Ethernet Configuration dialog box allows the user to set the parameters used for remote display of IPS data.  Please see the Remote IPS Display section of this manual for more information.
Local Port:
Allows the user to enter a local port number between 0 and 65535. Setting the local port number to 0 enables the TCP/IP stack to choose a port at random. Otherwise, a port number above 2000 is suggested as port numbers 1 to approximately 2000 are reserved.
Transmit IPS Data:
If true (checked) allows the transmission of IPS data. This allows the computer to be the master station.
Receive Data:
If true (checked) allows the IPS to receive data. This allows the computer to be the remote host.
Do Not Support Routing:
If set to true (checked) the socket is forced to send data directly to the interface (no routing).
Remote Port:
Allows the user to enter a Remote Port number. The Remote Port is the UDP port on the Remote Host where UDP datagrams will be sent.  A valid port number (a value between 1 and 65535) is required. 
Note:  This is the Remote Port number that will be entered in the “Remote Display” PCs IPS Ethernet Configuration dialog box Local Port field.
Remote IP:
Allows the user to enter the IP address of the Remote Host. The Remote Host property specifies the IP address (IP number in dotted internet format) of the remote host. If Remote Host is set to, the IPS will broadcast the data on the local subnet.
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