Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

GIS/Image Sub Menu

This option displays a dialog box that allows the user to generate an image file using the current screen display. When you click on the GIS/Image File menu sub command the GIS/Image Settings dialog box will appear.  After setting the parameters listed below, click the Ok push button.  The SaveAs dialog box will appear.  Enter the name of the text file in the space provided and click the Ok push button.  The default name is Run1.*.  The user may change the name, however it is a good idea to not use *.trk or *.raw as the file extension as this may cause the text file to be confused with an IPS format file.
GIS Image Format:    
allows the operator to select the image format used for the saving the current IPS screen.  Check the appropriate radio button to select one of the six formats.  The six options are MIF(Map Info), DXF(Auto Cad), GPX(GPS eXchange Format), SHP(ESRI Shape), KML(Google) and JPG Bitmap Image ESRI Reference File.
View Area:                  
allows the user to select the entire screen to be saved as an image instead of just the chart.  If Bitmap Image Reference has been selected as the GIS image format this option is automatically set to on. 
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