Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Menu Bar Overview

Operator control of the IPS program is via the PCs mouse, a series of drop-down menus arranged across the top of the viewing window and the IPS toolbar under the menu bar.  The individual menu selections and toolbar options are described in the following sections.
The IPS menu system is divided into seven logical paths, each originating from the basic menu bar.  These selections may be accessed in three ways.  The first is by using the mouse and clicking the desired menu option.  The second is using the F10 key to get to the Menu Bar and then using the left or right arrow keys to select a menu.  The third method is entering the appropriate hot key.  The hot key is ALT and the highlighted letter of the selection. For example the hot key for the FILE drop down menu is Alt F.  To exit the Menu Bar click any other area on the screen or use the Escape key.  When a selection has been made a drop down menu displaying all of the options for that selection appears.  To access any of the options listed for that selection use the mouse, up or down arrow keys or the highlighted hot key.  For example the hot key for Save in the File selection is S. 
In addition, individual dialog boxes may be accessed by using the Ctrl key and the letter on the left of the menu item.  For example pressing Ctrl T will display the Target Setting dialog box.
Menu items that have an ellipsis( … ) after the menu item have corresponding dialog boxes.  Clicking on the menu item causes the dialog box to appear.  There are two ways to access dialog box options.  The first is clicking on the appropriate radio button, checkbox or edit box.  The second method is using the tab key to cycle through the dialog box options.  A text box indicates that you need to enter the information being requested.  Click on or tab to the text box and enter the necessary information.  To exit the dialog box and save changes click the ok button.  To exit a dialog box without saving changes click the cancel button.  Pressing an apply button sets the dialog box parameters, and pressing the cancel button after pressing the apply button will not reverse these settings.
Menu items that toggle an IPS setting or set whether or not an IPS feature is displayed (i.e. the IPS Message Box) are checked when the setting is on.  When the parameter is set to off the check mark disappears.  Examples of this are MENU BAR-> SETUP -> Auto Save and MENU BAR->VIEW -> Show Toolbar.
The seven Menu Bar selections are described in detail in the Menu Bar section:
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