Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Search Data Settings

The Search Data Settings Dialog Box allows the user to select the information that will be displayed in the Search Position Box.  The information that can be displayed about the selected data point includes: the targets or ships latitude, the targets latitude, the targets depth or compass position and the time the data point was acquired.  To set the data to be displayed in the Search Position Box  toggle the corresponding check box.  If the box is checked, the value will be displayed in the Search Position Box.  Time, Lat\Long and Depth and Altitude are defaulted to on. The following are the possible values that may be displayed: 
Data point time tag.
Latitude of current fix in N or S in ##:##.#### format.
Longitude of current fix in E or W in ###:##.#### format.
  UTM Northings and Eastings.
Depth and Altitude:           
The ship's depth sounder value and heading sensor (Gyro) data if valid.  For a target the depth below the surface and altitude the above the bottom as reported by the altimeter (if available).
Heading, Roll Pitch:                 
Compass heading roll and pitch.
Current COG\SOG of the data point.
Horz Range, Relative & True Bearing:                     
For the targets only: Horz Range- The range from the ship to the target along the surface of the water (Horizontal plane). Relative bearing- The bearing of the target with respect to the ships bow (center line, Off the Bow 000 deg, Starboard beam 090 etc.).  True Bearing- The bearing to the target with respect to true north.
The individual components that define the vector to the target from the ship.  Horz Range = (x^2 + y^2)^1/2, Z = depth.
Error Code and Message:                             
Ship-The number of satellites used to determine the GPS position. Target-ORE Error code and  message.
CTD Time, Depth and Temp:  
CTD Salinity and Sound Velocity: 
DVL Water Speed and Direction:       
DVL Altitude and Speed of Sound:
For more information please see:
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