Ship Offset
Note: All offsets are now entered with respect to the center of roll pitch.
System Units:
This edit box displays the system units. If the system units are meters the edit box will display meters. If the system units are feet, yards or nautical miles feet will be displayed in the edit box. This edit box applies to each page of the dialog box but may not be edited by the user.
Ship Offsets Sub Menu:
Ship Length:
allows the user to enter the ships overall length in feet or meters. The maximum offset that may be entered is 300 meters/ 984.25 feet, the minimum amount that may be enters is 1 meter /3 feet. The default value which will be used if the user has not entered the ships length is 62.18 meters/204 feet.
Ship Beam:
allows the user to enter the ships beam in feet or meters. The maximum offset that may be entered is 100 meters/ 328 feet, the minimum amount that may be enters is 1 meter/3 feet. The default value which will be used if the user has not entered the ships beam is 11.58 meters/ 37.99 feet.
GPS Antenna X:
allows the user to enter the GPS antenna X position, which is the distance the GPS antenna is horizontally (along the X axis) from the center of the ship. If the GPS antenna is starboard of the center of the ship the position must be a positive number. If the GPS antenna to port of the center of the ship the position must be a negative number. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships beam, the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships beam.
Note: The default GPS position is 0, 0 the center of the ship.
GPS Antenna Y:
allows the user to enter the GPS antenna Y position, which is the distance the GPS antenna is ahead of or behind (along the Y axis) the center of the ship. If the GPS antenna is forward of the center of the ship the position must be a positive number. If the GPS antenna is aft of the center of the ship the position must be a negative number. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships length, the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships length.
If a number that does not fall in the range given above is entered, a warning message will be displayed and a number equal to 1/2 the ships length will be filled in the edit box. To accept the number that is now displayed in the edit box the user must click Ok or Apply. The user may also enter another value in the correct range and click Ok or Apply.
GPS Antenna Z:
allows the user to enter the GPS antenna Z position, which is the distance the GPS antenna is ahead of or behind (along the Z axis) the center of the ship. If the GPS antenna is forward of the center of the ship the position must be a positive number. If the GPS antenna is aft of the center of the ship the position must be a negative number. The maximum offset that may be entered is 98.42 feet or 30.0 meters. The Hydrophone Z offset may be positive or negative.
D (CPR to LOA/2):
allows the user to enter enter a center of roll pitch reference offset to be used only for displaying the ship shape on the main grid. The ship shape is now displayed as a mercator projection.
Display on Screen Position:
allows the user to enable or disable the display of the GPS offset position on the equipment offset ship bitmap. If the box is checked, the on GPS position will be displayed on the ship bitmap. The IPS default is false, the GPS position will not be displayed.
Reference X:
allows the user to position the GPS antenna over the hydrophone by setting the reference position to the hydrophones actual position. This frees the user from having to enter hydrophone offsets into the BATS systems.
The reference position is the position displayed (lat/long) as ships position in the display box in the upper right hand corner of the screen. If the reference X position is starboard of the center of the ship the position must be a positive number. If the reference X position is port of the center of the ship the position must be a negative number. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships beam, the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships beam.
Note: To use the reference position a valid compass input must be supplied.
Reference Y:
If the reference Y position is forward of the center of the ship the position must be a positive number. If the reference Y position is aft of the center of the ship the position must be a negative number. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships length the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships length.
Note: The default reference position is 0,0 the center of the ship The reference position is defined to allow the user the flexibility of selecting a position onboard the vessel other then the locations of the actual GPS antenna and hydrophone. For example the reference position may be set to the stern of the vessel where launch and recovery of an ROV or other equipment takes place. To use the Reference position valid compass input must be supplied.
Display on Screen Position:
allows the user to enable or disable the display of the reference offset position on the equipment offset ship bitmap. If the box is checked, the reference offset position will be displayed on the ship bitmap. The IPS default is false, the on screen position will not be displayed.
Use Reference Offset in Processing:
allows the user to enable or disable the use of the reference offsets when calculating position statistics. The IPS default is false, the reference offsets will not be used in calculations.
Hydrophone X:
hydrophone X, Y, and Z allow offsets to be entered that cause the hydrophone's apparent position to be directly under the GPS antenna. This is important because the target's latitude and longitude are based on the ship's latitude and longitude. The X offset adjusts the distance the hydrophone is ahead of or behind the GPS antenna. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships beam the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships beam.
Hydrophone Y:
the Y offset adjusts the distance the hydrophone is laterally from the GPS antenna. The maximum offset that may be entered is 1/2 half the amount entered for ships length the minimum amount is the negative of 1/2 the amount entered for ships length.
Hydrophone Z:
the Z offset adjusts the distance the hydrophone is below the water surface. The maximum offset that may be entered is 98.42 feet or 30.0 meters. The Hydrophone Z offset may be positive or negative.
allows the user to enter the heading bias. The maximum heading bias that may be entered is 360 degrees. The offset may be positive or negative. The IPS default is 0.0 degrees.
allows the user to enter the roll bias. The maximum roll bias that may be entered is 10.0 degrees. The offset may be positive or negative. The IPS default is 0.0 degrees.
allows the user to enter the pitch bias. The maximum pitch bias that may be entered is 10.0 degrees. The offset may be positive or negative. The IPS default is 0.0 degrees
Display on Screen Position:
allows the user to enable or disable the display of the reference offset position on the equipment offset ship bitmap. If the box is checked, the reference offset position will be displayed on the ship bitmap. The IPS default is false, the on screen position will not be displayed.