Target Position Box
The Target Position Box is initially displayed in the center of the viewing screen when target data is first received for the corresponding target. The target box displays parameters such as the name, latitude, longitude, depth, horizontal range, error codes and bearing of the target. The entire list of parameters that may be displayed in the position box is given below. One target box will be displayed for each target for which data is received. The target position box may be moved to a more convenient location by dragging the box with the mouse. The target position box can be expanded by dragging the borders of the box. The user may set which if any parameters will be displayed in the position box using the INPUT -> Target Settings menu option. In the Target Settings dialog box click the position box items tab and check the position box items that should be displayed. If the most recent ORE System position was an error, then the time elapsed since the last valid fix will be displayed instead of the target name.
The type of filter used for a target will be displayed after the target name in the target position box in the lower right hand corner of the screen. For example if raw data is being used for target number one Fish, then only Fish will be displayed as the target name in the target position box. If the velocity filter and on-site filter are set to on then Fish FVO will be displayed as the target name. If the target name exceeds 16 characters then the last 4 characters of the target name will be truncated to make room for the filter information if necessary. The Max-Range, Min-Depth and Max-Depth settings will not appear after the target name as they are not specific for each target. For more information see the Filter Command section of this manual.
The entire list of parameters that may be displayed in the position box is given below:
Current DOS time.
Latitude of current fix in N or S in ##:##.#### format.
Longitude of current fix in E or W in ###:##.#### format.
Eastings and Northings.
Compass Depth:
Targets's Depth
Roll Pitch:
Compass heading roll and pitch.
Current COG\SOG of the current fix.
The number of satellites used to determine the GPS position.