Target Settings Command
The Target Setting command allows the user to set certain parameters for a chosen target. Immediately after the Target Settings Command is selected the Target Selection dialog box with ten radio buttons and corresponding bitmaps is displayed. To select a target click the radio button to the right of the bitmap representing that target, then click the Ok push button. To escape without changing any targets, click the cancel push button.
If You clicked Ok then a dialog box composed of five pages each represented by a tab will appear. To move from page to page click the appropriate tab. The pages are as follows:
Position Box Tab:
Target Number:
Displays the target number selected in the target selection dialog box. All changes made in the dialog box will be applied to this target number. This field is for display purposes only and can not be edited by the user.
Font Settings:
Clicking on this button displays a dialog box that allows the user to select the font color and font size of the text displayed in Target Position Box.
Target Name:
Allows user to edit the name of the submerged target ID selected in the previous dialog box. The name may be up to eighteen characters long.
Target Name Position:
Allows the user to select automatic or manual positioning of the target name. If the user selects manual then the user can select the orientation of the target name using the Target Name Alignment combo box.
Target Name Alignment:
Allows the user to set the alignment of the target name with respect to the bitmap representing that target. The options are Lower Right, Middle Right, Upper Right, Lower Left, Middle Left and Upper Left. The default setting is Upper Left.
Position Box Display Items:
Allows the user to select the values that will be displayed in the Target Position Box by toggling the corresponding check box. If the box is checked, the value will be displayed in the target position box. The following are the possible values that may be displayed:
Time of fix.
Target Latitude and Longitude.
UTM: Eastings and Northings.
Heading Roll and Pitch: Compass heading roll and pitch.
COGSOG: CTD salinity and sound velocity.
Horizontal Range: Range, Relative Bearing and True Bearing.
XYZ: ORE x,y,z values.
Error code and message.
Pinger: Pinger bearing information.
Range and Bearing to Selected Target:
If enabled (checked) displays the range and bearing to from one target to another. Select the targets using the Select Target for Range Bearing push button below. The bearing from target to target will be displayed in the Target Position Box. At least two targets must be being tracked for this feature to be enabled.
Relative and True Bearing Displays:
If enabled displays the compass rosettes showing the relative and true bearing on the bottom of the Target Position Box. At least two targets must be being tracked for this feature to be enabled.
Select Target for Range Bearing:
Allows the user to select the targets that will be used in displaying the range and bearing and relative and true bearing discussed above.
Raw Display Tab:
Unavailable at this time.
Filtered Display Tab:
Target Number:
Displays the target number selected in the target selection dialog box. All changes made in the dialog box will be applied to this target number. This field is for display purposes only and can not be edited by the user.
Track By:
Allows the user to select whether the number of data positions on the screen will be set by points or time.
If No.Points is selected, the value in the edit box opposite the No. Points radio button sets the number of currently collected data point positions that will be displayed. The number of points displayed may range from 0 to 16000. The display begins with the currently active data point and moves back through the data points with respect to time. The "snail trail" is displayed in the color selected below using the Point Color button. The trail length is independent for each target. For normal use, select approximately 10 to 40 points. To display all points enter 16000. In both Relative mode and North Up mode no data points are displayed.
If Time is selected all the data points between the time entered the time edit box and the current time will be displayed.
Note: If skip decimation is set to anything besides 0, points will be skipped. Please see the help file item directly below.
Skip Decimation:
Allows the user to set the number of points in the snail trail to be skipped. For example if the number 1 is entered, only every other point will be displayed. If 10 is entered only every 10th point will be displayed. This setting allows the user to view an extensive history of the mission without displaying every point. Each point is still saved in the mission database, regardless of what number is entered in the skip edit box. A number between 0 and 99 may be entered. The default is 0.
Point Color:
Clicking this button displays a dialog box that allows the user to set the color of the points displayed in the view screen snail trail for the corresponding target.
Allows the user to specify whether or not data from the target ID just selected in the previous dialog box will be tracked and updated by the IPS software. The default mode for Targets is auto. The position information for all targets will be displayed in the target position boxes. When data is initially received for a target a position box for that target will be displayed in the center of the viewing area. The target position box can then be moved to another location.
Auto Center:
Places the target ID just selected in the previous dialog box at the center of the display screen if the current position goes out of the current viewing area. To center the viewing area about a target that may be currently out of the viewing display press the Home key. Only one target or the ship may be centered at a time.
Display Label:
Displays the target name in the viewing area.
DVL Navigation Only:
Enables or disables navigation by DVL allowing the capability of processing subsea DVL data from a RDI in the PD6 format or the IPS NMEA style string $PUVN.
Display Range Ring:
Enables or disables the display of a range ring centered about the target. The radius of the range ring is determined by the Display Range Size.
Range Ring Size:
Sets the radius of the range ring in system units. The Range Ring is always centered about the vessel.
Display Range Color:
Sets the color of the range ring.
System Units:
Displays the system units set in the VIEW->Display Settings dialog box. This field is for display purposes only and can not be edited by the user.
Draw Rate:
Sets the rate at which the positions for the target will be displayed in the viewing area. The maximum amount of time allowed between display updates is 3600 seconds (60 minutes). The minimum amount of time allowed between display updates is 2 seconds. If a draw rate has not been set, the default time of 20 seconds between each screen update will be used.
Waypoint Settings Tab:
Text Display:
Allows the user to select the values that will be displayed in the Target Position Box by toggling the corresponding check box. If the box is checked, the value will be displayed in the target position box. The following are the possible values that may be displayed:
Range and Bearing
displays the values selected above in text display in Target Position Box immediately.
This feature acts as a shortcut to begin DLV navigation if the apply button is pressed and resets the current position to the for latitude and longitude entered in the edit boxes if the DVL Reset button is pressed. The DVL navigation will be based on the values entered in Equipment->Target Offset DVL Tab.