Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

PIUDP Data Format

UDP data nav string format:
NOTE: The serial output of target location data in the $PIUPD strings created by IPS will always be with regard to the hydrophone location independent of the reference (R) location.
   1  $PIUDP header
   2  HHMMSS.sss  Hours 24 hr clock, LMT hours minutes seconds and milliseconds
   3  mm-dd-yyyy local data
   4  id = target is ship_ID, 1-9 ORE, SHIP_ID Just set a default of 10
   5  ddd.dd subsea depth [m] or ship heave + down
   6  hhhh.h True heading [deg]
   7  rr.rr roll (+Port side up) [deg]
   8  pp.pp pitch (+Bow up) [deg]
   9  yyy.yy Yaw rate (+CCW) [deg/sec]
  10  RR.RR  Roll rate [deg/sec]
  11  PP.PP  Pitch rate [deg/sec]
  12  aaa.a altitude [m] and ship depth sounder
  13  ccc.c course over ground from processed DVL+AHRS+CTD [deg] wrt true north or GPS ship
  14 speed over ground in knots from processed DVL+AHRS+CTD [deg] or GPS ship
  15  vvvv.v sound velocity [m/s]
  16  S DVL status 0-no bottom lock, 1-bottom lock
  17  AFlag : word;  status of all attitude values
     -- Constants for Attitude quality factor --------
      P= Platform, U= USBLL                           
      Can assembly multi valid angles by OR-ing.  
      flag := PHeadingValid or UPitchValid or URollValid
      To check for example USBL roll
       if ( URollValid = (flag and URollValid) ) then
      bit #: 8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1 
             0   PR   PP   PH   PZ   UR   UP   UH 
     UHeadingValid = 1;  // 00000001
     UPitchValid = 2;    // 00000010
     URollValid = 4;     // 00000100
     PHeaveValid = 8;    // 00001000
     PHeadingValid = 16; // 00010000
     PPitchValid = 32;   // 00100000
     PRollValid = 64;    // 01000000
     // Note need to be 16 bit since Aflag : 2 byte Uint
     PHeaveError =   $FFF7;  // 11110111
     PHeadingError = $FFEF;  // 11101111
     PPitchError =   $FFDF;  // 11011111
     PRollError =    $FFBF;  // 10111111
     PDVLAHRSValid = 112;      // 01110000
     PDVLAHRSHeaveValid = 120; // 01111000
  18  Lat deg.1234567,  7 places to Rt . for 0.00001 min of resoulation + North
  19  Long deg.1234567  +East
  20  nnn   PosFrom // typically 0 from actual tracking station else for remote display IPS 3 dig key number
  21  QFst [30]  //  quality factor string is a function of target type {­ID field is 4; Ship ID = 10, USBL or DVL targets id = 1-9}
                 // Subsea targets:
                 // ORE USBL- raw SR [m], relative bearing [deg], dpeth [m] (w.r.t still water), USBL QF (0-9), Hx,Hy,Hz, [m]
                 //           Hydrophone yaw, hydrophone roll, hydphone pitch mounting biases [deg], USBL processing method
                 // DVL Nav-  Bottom Vel X,y,z, [m/s] Alt [m],Fixed QF =10,Gyro yaw rate
                 // Ship - Num Sats, GPS quality,DOP,Age of DGP corrections sec,DGPS Station ID  (ex. 8,D,1,4,0)
                 // GPS quality = {­ 0 = '?' fix not available or invalid
                                    1 = ' ' C/A Standard GPS fix valid
                                    2 = 'D' DGPS mode fix valid
                                    3 = 'P' PPP mode fix valid
                                    4 = 'R' RTK Fixed
                                    5 = 'F' RTK float
                                    6 = 'I' Free inertial
                                    7 = 'W' WAAS
                                    8 = 'S' OmniStar normal VBS
                                    9 = 'H' OmniStar HP
  22  *
  23  NMEA checksum (XOR)
  24 <cr>
  25 <lf>
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