PORE ORE Proprietary Format
The format “PORE” or NMEA ORE is a NMEA 0183 string length of 70 characters not including <CR><LF>. It follows the sentence structure for a NMEA 0183 version 2.1 proprietary sentence.
Example of the NMEA ORE Format:
$ P O R E , # # , HHMMSS, , , B R G , X ( m ) , Y ( m ) , Z ( m ) , R O L L , PT C H , WC, QF* CS
Example of the NMEA ORE Format with compass heading enabled:
$PORE,##,HHMMSS,HDG,ID, BRG, X (m), Y (m) , Z (m), ROLL, PTCH,WC,QF*CS
For more information please see the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Track Point 3 section