Integrated Positioning System
Help File version
  • NMEA Strings
  • RMC Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit data

RMC Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit data

RMC is the recommended minimum data to be provided by a GPS or Transit receiver. Time, date position, course and speed data are provided by a GPS or TRANSIT navigation receiver. A check sum is mandatory.  This data string should be transmitted at speeds of 1 hertz when used with the IPS.   All data fields must be provided, null fields should be used only when the data is temporarily unavailable.
           1       2     3       4      5         6      7       8        9       10     11  12
1.        Time Stamp 220516  22:05:16 UTC
1.        A   validity - A-ok, V-invalid
1.       5133.82    current Latitude
1.        N          North/South
1.       00042.24   current Longitude
1.       W          East/West
1.       173.8      Speed in knots
1.       231.8      True course
1.       130694     Date Stamp
1.       004.2      Variation
1.       W          East/West
1.       *70        checksum
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