TTMT Tracked Message Target
A TTMT text string in the format displayed below that contains data associated with the tracked target relative to the true north in NMEA format version 2.x TTM. At this time the IPS software only sends out valid information in the target number, distance, bearing, time, target name and target status fields. The time stored in the time field is the current DOS time of the computer being used to run the IPS software unless the operator used Time Zone to adjust local time to GMT. The usable fields are in bold type in the example below. All other fields will be either zero or null. See the field definition section in the NMEA 0183 version 2.x manual for more detailed information.
Note: The location of the serial output strings TTMT is with respect to the reference location if it is enabled. If the reference location is enabled the word 'ref' will be displayed in the target position box.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Target number from 0 to 9.
2. Targets distance from own ship. [NM]
3. Bearing from own ship,(T true). [deg]
4. Target speed. SOG [knots]
5. Target course degrees. COG [deg]
6. Range CPA
7. Time to CPA '-' = increasing
8. Speed distance Units K/N/S
9. Target Name, displays only 1st 8 characters.
10. Target status ,L ,Q or T.
11. Reference target = R, null otherwise.
12. UTC of data. just time
13. Type of acquisition, A = Auto, M = manual.