Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

3D Sensor Processing Sub Menu

This dialog box allows the user to process 3D sensor data.  Please see the IPS 3D Sensor Processing and the 3D SONAR Calibration (Patch Test) Example sections for more information.  The  dialog box is composed of five pages each represented by a tab. To move from page to page click the appropriate tab. The pages are as follows:
Process and Export Tab
Sensor XYZ File:
Displays the sensor XYZ file that is being processed.
Select File:
Allows the user to select the sensor XYZ file to be processed.  The file open dialog box will appear when the Select File button is pressed.
Support File:
Displays the support file that is being processed.
Select Support File:
Allows the user to select the support file to be processed.  The file open dialog box will appear when the Select Support File button is pressed.
IPS Target:
Allows the user to select which of the currently tracked (real time)  or previously tracked (old data) targets will be associated with the 3D sensor data for processing.  The ship, which is target 10 may also be used.  The default is the current target in focus.
3D Plot:
Displays the 3D plot created using the 3D sensor data.  If you right click on the image displayed in the 3D Plot Viewer a sub menu with the following features will appear.  The features are Home, Center, Rotate, Zoom, Pan, Info, Make Wpt, Load File, Add Data Set, Make VRML File, Save As BMP Clear Plot and View Axis.  If 3D data is currently loaded into the 3D viewer then the Create VRML option will generate a .wrl (v 1.0 VRML) web viewable file and two pop-up dialog boxes will appear. The first to allow a sensor ID to be assigned and the second is for a title/description. Both of these inputs will be added to the VRML file header.
QC Cal Plot:
If a valid 3D calibration (patch test) was performed the QC Cal plot button will pop up the most recent plot.
2D Alignment
Aligns the two sonar images selected in Sensor File and Support based on the parameters set in the 2D alignment dialog box.
Auto Area Select
this feature will use PCA (Principle Component Analysis) to select the optimal area to use for 2D alignment between files.
Georeference Local Sensor Data Button:
Opens a dialog box that allows the user to enter a geo reference file containing raw 3D data (in sensor coordinates) based upon the values set in the IPS offset dialog box and currently loaded in IPS navigation file. The process also allows for a Z offset to be applied in units of meters.
3D Sensor Cal Button:
Opens the 3D Sensor Calibration Dialog Box.  From here the user can select which processing step of the “Patch Test” 3D calibration process to use, see the 3D SONAR Calibration (Patch Test) Example section above.  Also see the section below titled "3D Sensor Calibration Dialog Box".
Start 3D Cal Button:
Will process the data file(s) specified in the file selection fields using the method specified in the “3D Sensor Calibration Dialog Box”.
3D Alignment
Aligns the two sonar images selected in Sensor File and Support based on the parameters set in the 3D alignment dialog box.
Target Detect Button:
Will make an automated comparison between two geo referenced files in UTM coordinate systems. The output is a text file that specifies the geodetic location of the points (bins) that are statistically different.
Use Tide File:
Adds offsets to multi beam data to account for tides.
3D Sensor Calibration Dialog Box
allows the user to choose either the heading, roll or pitch angle to apply to the parameters listed below.
Angle Error Range:     
allows the user to enter the angle error range.  The maximum angle error range allowed is 20, the  minimum is 0 and the default is 5. However 20 is a good number  Calculates the mounting relative to the navigation coordinate system.
Data Cell Size:             
allows the user to enter the data cell size used in the 3D calibration.  The maximum data cell size allowed is 10.0, the minimum is 0.10, and the default is 1.00.
Minimum Samples/Bin:     
allows the user to enter the minimum number of samples per bin that can be used to calculate the 3D calibration.  The maximum data cell size allowed is 100.0, the minimum is 10.0, and the default is 30.00.
Angle Interval:
allows the user to enter the angle interval that will be used when calculating the 3D calibration. The maximum angle interval allowed is 1.00, the minimum is 0.02 and the default is 0.5.
Minimum Depth:         
allows the user to enter the minimum depth that will be used to calculate the 3D calibration.   The largest minimum depth allowed is 4000.00, the smallest is 0.0 and the default is 5.0.  
Time Range:
allows the user to enter the maximum time delay range that will be used to calculate the 3D calibration.   The largest maximum time delay range allowed is 2000.00, the smallest is 100.00 and the default is 1000.
Export to XYZ Tab ASCII:    
if enabled (checked) this feature will export the sensor data to an ASCII file.  The default setting is off.
Auto Area Select:
if enabled (checked) this feature will set the Auto Area Select to on.  The default setting is off.
allows the user to select - Z  (Negative Down) or + Z (Positive  Down) as depth setting.
Time Delay Interval:
allows the user to enter a time delay interval of 5,10,20,50 or 100.
Configuration  Tab: 
Sensor Mounting Angles:
allows the user to enter the following sensor mounting angles.
allows the user to enter the heading mounting angle.  The maximum heading mounting angle allowed is 359.99 degrees and the minimum is -359.99.  The default is 0.
allows the user to enter the pitch mounting angle.  The maximum pitch mounting angle allowed is 180.00 degrees (bow up) and the minimum is -180.00.  The default is 0.
allows the user to enter the roll angle.  The maximum roll angle allowed is 90.00 degrees  (port side up) and the minimum is -90 degrees. The default is 0.  
Sensor Position Relative to Center of Roll Pitch:
X (Port-Starboard):     
allows the user to enter the X sensor position.  The maximum sensor X position allowed is 180.00 degrees and the minimum is -180.00.  The default is 0.  A positive value indicates an X position on the starboard side of the CPR.
Y (Forward Aft):        
allows the user to enter the Y sensor position.  The maximum sensor Y position allowed is 180.00 degrees and the minimum is -180.00.  The default is 0.  A positive value indicates a Y position forward of the CPR.
Z (Vertical):
allows the user to enter the Z sensor position.  The maximum sensor Z position allowed is 180.00 degrees and the minimum is -180.00.  The default is 0.  A positive value indicates a Z position above the CPR.
allows the user to select - Z  (Negative Down) or + Z (Positive  Down) as depth setting.
Time Bias:
allows the user to enter the time bias that will be applied to the sensor data.  
Subtract Time Bias:        
if enabled (checked) subtracts the time bias instead of adding it when processing the 3D data.  The time bias is added or subtracted from the sensor time, not the IPS Navigation time.
Data Bounds Tab:
When running a 3D calibration the user may want to select only a specific segment of the data for use in the calibration.  This segment may be defined either by area or by time. To use either method enable the appropriate check box and enter the desired area or time bounds in the corresponding edit boxes.  If neither the Use Area Bounds check box or the Use Time Bounds check box is checked all the data will be used for the 3D calibration. 
               Area Bounds
Use Area Bounds:
if this check box is enabled the segment of the data defined using the 3D area values entered below will be processed in the 3D calibration.  The IPS default is disabled.
Median Filter 3D Cal File:
applies a median filter for each sonar/laser line being processed.  This is done by scanning the data a line at a time to get rid outliers caused by fish, floating debris or sonar noise.
allows the user to enter the minimum bounding area X value (UTM Easting or longitudinal value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process
allows the user to enter the minimum bounding area Y value (UTM Northing or Latitude value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process.
allows the user to enter the maximum bounding area X value (UTM Easting or longitudinal value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process.
allows the user to enter the maximum bounding area Y value (UTM Northing or Latitude value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process.
Min Depth:                       
all data points above the value entered will be excluded from calibration processing.  The minimum depth allowed and the default value are both 0 meters.  The maximum Minimum Depth allowed is 3048 m (10000 feet).  Enter the Minimum Depth in meters in the edit box provided.
Max Depth:                  
all data points below the value entered will be excluded from calibration processing.  The maximum depth that may be entered and the default value are both 3048 m (10000 feet).  The minimum depth is 0 feet.  Enter the Maximum Depth in meters in the edit box provided.
               Center Box
allows the user to enter the minimum bounding area X value (UTM Easting or longitudinal value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process
allows the user to enter the minimum bounding area Y value (UTM Northing or Latitude value) that will be used during the 3D sensor calibration process.
File Area Bounds:
When the scan button is pressed the IPS will determine the minimum and maximum extents of the file and display them in the appropriate edit boxes as a guideline.
Time Bounds:
Will process 3D calibration data only within specified time boundary if the “Use Time Bounds” check box is checked.
Use Time Bounds:
If enabled (checked) the time bounds entered below will be used during the 3D sensor calibration.
Min Time:
Allows the user to enter the minimum time bounds used during the 3D sensor calibration.  
Max Time:
Allows the user to enter the maximum time bounds used during the 3D sensor calibration.
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