Equipment Offset Measurements
Recommended Setup:
• USBL setup with GPS timing input string (reference: BATS manual 4450MA0250 RV A, section 3.3.4 “USBL GPS/Time Sync”).
• Omni directional transponder ready for shallow water calibrations.
• Transponder float collar with anchor and surface float or transponder stand (tripod) with surface float to maintain the transponder in roughly vertical position.
Verify the Following Parameters:
1. Equipment offsets are relative to the vessel’s center of roll/pitch (CRP) and still waterline as the origin (0,0,0).
1.1. Hydrophone X____________m (+ to Stbd, w.r.t CRP)
1.2. Hydrophone Y____________m (+ Fwd, w.r.t CRP)
1.3. Hydrophone Z____________m (+Down, below still waterline)
1.4. Set the Hydrophone heading, roll & pitch mounting angles to 0.0 deg
Note: The hydrophone tip should be at least one meter below the keel.
Enter the required GPS offsets into
1.5. GPS X ______m (+ to Stbd)
1.6. GPS Y______m (+ Fwd)
1.7. GPS Z ______m (+Down, below still waterline)
1.8. D ______________m (Distance from CRP To Geometric center)
1.9. The Reference position can be set to X,Y = 0 in Setup->Equipment Offsets->Ship Offsets->Hydrophone).
IPS Equipment Offsets Ship\GPS Dialog Box
2. Verify the forward hydrophone alignment mark is positioned forward (within +/- 20 deg).
2.1 Manual beacon depth _________ m (see item 2.2 in the Sheltered Water Calibration section below).
Set the Following TrackMan Software Parameters:
5. Data Output format $POREG
6. Filtering
6.1. Filter Level 4 or 5
6.2. Detector Threshold MED-LOW to High
6.3. Averaging 0 points (çCritical)
6.4. [X] Quality Factor Filter (enable)