Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Merge  DVL/USBL Nav Data

Please see the Merging DVL and USBL IPS Files section of this manual for more information.
The following biases and parameters may be applied to DVL data.  If the corresponding check box is checked then the bias will be applied or the parameter will be used.  If the check box is not checked any value entered in the corresponding edit box will be disregarded.
USBL Time Bias:                     
Allows user to enter a time bias that will be applied to USB data.
DVL Altitude Bias: 
Enter the roll bias.  The roll bias must be between 90.00 and -90.00.
Enter the roll bias.  The roll bias must be between 90.00 and -90.00.
Enter the heading bias.  The roll bias must be between 360.00 and -360.00.
Sound Velocity Scale Factor: 
Allows user to enter the sound velocity scale factor.   The roll bias must be between 1.15 and 0.05.   
Depth Bias:                            
Allows user to enter the sound depth bias.   The roll bias must be between 1.15 and 0.05.   
New DVL Start Lat/Lon:       
Resets the DVL position to the latitude and longitude entered below.  The IPS default is off.
DVL Start Lat/Lon:                
Allows the user to enter a new latitude and longitude that can be used to reset the DVL tracking.  New DVL Start Lat/Lon above must be on (checked) for the these parameters to be used.
Merge USBL/DVL:                
Allows the user to choose to not to merge the USBL/DVL data with ORE data, to shift the DVL data as a Data Set or to use a Kalman Filter to merge the data.  If the Kalman Filter radio button is selected the Kalman Filter Settings button will be enabled allowing the Kalman Filter Settings dialog box to be displayed. See the Kalman Filter Settings section below for more information.  The value and selection of the Kalman filtering parameters entered depends on which data and which type of correction the user feels is less noisy.  Merging the USBL data with the DVL data is useful because while the DVL data is more precise (less error between data points) it tends to drift over time while the USBL data is noisier but is more accurate with regard to geodetic position. These values can be determined by an offline equipment calibration such as a USBL calibration.  Please see the System Calibration Section of this manual for more information.  The IPS Default is Kalman Filter.
Kalman Filter Settings:         
Opens the Kalman Filter Settings dialog box.  This button is only enabled if the Kalman Filter option is selected in the group box above.
Allows the user to enter the ID of the USBL target that is being tracked.  The ID must between 1 and 9.   The default value is 1. 
Note: this cannot be the same as the DVL ID.
Positioning STDEV:
Allows the user to choice to apply a positioning Standard deviation correction when the merging USBL/DVL data.  The default is on.  Either the Positioning STDEV or the % SR correction may be used but not both.  
Positioning STDEV Value:
Allows the user to enter the positioning standard deviation that will be applied when the merging USBL/DVL data.  The positioning standard deviation is determined by offline analysis and equipment calibration.  The standard deviation must be between 0 and 200.000 meters and the default value is 10 meters.
% SR Correction:
Allows the user to apply a percent slant range correction when merging USBL/DVL data instead of using the positioning standard deviation.  The default is off.
% SR Correction Value:
Allows the user to enter the slant range correction percent.  The slant range correction is determined through equipment calibration.  The SR percentage must be between 0.05 and 5.00 meters and the default value is 1.0 meters.
Velocity STDV Value:
Allows user to enter the velocity standard deviation that will be applied when  merging USBL/DVL data.  The velocity STDV must be between 0 and 2.000 milli seconds and the default value is 0.115 meters per second.
Apply Altitude Correction:
Allows the user to apply an altitude correction when merging the USBL/DVL data.  The default value is off. 
Generate Unfiltered DVL Path:
Allows the user to generate an unfiltered DVL path using the target number entered below in Unfiltered DVL Path Target ID. The default value is on. 
Unfiltered DVL Path Target ID:
Allows the user to enter the target number used to generate an unfiltered DVL path.  The target must be between 1 and 9 and the IPS default is target 4.  
Filter Process
Position Noise:
Allows the user to enter the position noise.  The position noise must be between 0 and 200.000 meters and the default value is 0.100 meters.
Depth Noise:
Allows the user to enter the depth noise.  The depth noise must be between 0 and 20.000 meters and the default value is 0.010 meters.
Manual Velocity Noise:
Allows the user to enter the manual velocity noise.  The manual velocity noise must be between 0 and 20.000 milli seconds and the default value is 0.03 meters per second.
Allows the user to have the IPS calculate the processed velocity noise based on a calculation that provides optimal filtering.  The IPS default is on.
HZ Process Rate:
Allows the user to enter the HZ process rate.  The HZ process rate must be between 2 and 30 and the default value is 0.03 meters.
Depth STDV:
Allows the user to enter the depth standard deviation.  The depth standard deviation must be between 0 and 20.000 meters and the default value is 0.010 meters.
Vertical Velocity STDV:
Allows the user to enter the vertical velocity standard deviation.  The vertical velocity standard deviation must be between 0 and 2.00 meters and the default value is 0.00 meters.
Use DVL/SVP/CTD Depth:
Allows the user to use the DVL,SVP and CTD depths when merging the USBL/DVL data.  The default value is on.
Graph Depth Profile:
Opens a dialog box that displays the raw input and the Kalman filtered data.  The difference between the predicted value (the position the filter calculates the target should be) and the actual raw position is also displayed.  The IPS default is on.
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