Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

System Calibration

The System Calibration feature calculates and displays the overall azimuth error in the system and gives the scaling factor to correct the raw slant ranges.  These system calibration parameters can be saved in the configuration file.  The last set of System Calibration parameters that have been saved in the configuration file will be displayed in the System Calibration dialog box when it is initially activated.   If no System Calibration parameters have been saved to configuration file, the System calibration parameters will all be zero. 
The QC Threshold edit box may be used to determine the quality of the data used in the calibration.  The higher QC factor entered, the stricter the criteria is for selecting the data used for calculating the calibration.  The options are 1 through 10 and the default setting is 8.   
After a successful calibration the Calibration Dialog box will be displayed showing the new Calibration parameters.  If $POREG data is being used as ORE data enter the Hydrophone Mounting Angle Offsets into the Calibration Dialog box.  To apply these offsets click the Update Hydro Offsets push button.  To view the before and after Calibration Frequency Plots click the 3D Viewer Button. 
Please see the following sections of the IPS Manual for more information on the system calibration:
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