Integrated Positioning System
Help File version

Serial Out Command

A dialog box allowing the user to set the Serial Out parameters will appear when this option is selected. The dialog box is composed of three pages each represented by a tab. The tabs are standard, Acoustic Modem and TC-100 Settings.  To move from page to page click the appropriate tab. 
Port Selection:  
allows the user to select any currently open port as an output port. If the upper portion of the combo box displays a 'No Ports Open' message use the SETUP-> Communications menu command to open at least one serial port or use SETUP->Ethernet Configuration menu command to open at least one UDP port. The port number currently selected is displayed in the upper portion of the combo box. To select a different port number click the arrow button on the right side of the combo box. A drop-down box displaying all open ports will appear. Select a port using the mouse or the arrow keys. The settings listed below are applied to the port number selected in this combo box. The apply button may be used to set serial out parameters without exiting the Serial Out dialog box.
Target ID:        
allows the user to select which of multiple targets will be associated with the selected port. The selections are  1 through 10,  with 1 to 9 being targets and 10 being the ship. Verify that the correct target ID is set or inappropriate data or no data may be sent. The following data strings: GGA2, TTMT, WHOI AM, RMC, Fledermaus, GGA\VTG\HDT, SCT Video, HDT, DBS, GGA\TLL\VTG, TC-100,  GLL (Integrated Navigation), Nav Data and GGA\ZDA\VTG require an IPS target ID to be selected because they do not have a target ID field. Any target ID is valid with the majority of the NMEA options, but TTMT and SCT Video require a subsea (non ship) target. In addition, the ship (ID 10) is the only ID allowed with the WHOI AM option. It is not necessary to set the target ID if the Remote IPS option is selected as the Remote IPS Display sends out all valid target data. Please see Serial Out ID Selection for more information. Enter the appropriate target number in the edit box provided.
Check Sum:
allows the user to enable or disable the check sum field. A check sum is a field at the end of the data string that can be used by the receiving software to verify that the text string has not been corrupted during transmission. If the check sum is enabled an asterisk will be displayed after the text string format selected.  The check sum may not be used if SCT Video is selected for NMEA output, therefore the check sum will be disabled (grayed out) if SCT Video is selected. The check sum is required for the RMC string according to the NMEA manual.
GPS Echo:
enables the output of GGA, VTG and ZDA strings through the port selected as the output port.  A port must be open for a GPS Echo to be output. Please see the Communications section of this manual for more information. 
Data Rate:
allows the operator to select the IPS data output speed. The options are Fastest (when available), Moderate (5Hz or less), Slow (1 Hz or less). The default is Fastest. The age of the receiving piece of equipment should be considered when making the data rate selection. For example, an older side scan may need to receive data at a low rate (> 5). The data rate selection does not increase the data output speed, it just limits it when one of the two slower options is selected. The data rate will be automatically set to slow (1 Hz or less) for the RMC string.        
Output Data Format:  
allows the operator to select a National Marine Electronic Association (NMEA) or NMEA like format for the serial output or to disable serial output.  Click the appropriate radio button to select one of the 20 formats or to disable serial output.  The 19  options for NMEA serial output are  None, GGA 2.x, TTMT, WHOI AM, TPD (Target Position & Depth), RMC,  TP 2EC, TLL, Fledermaus (Platform Positions), GGA/VTG/HDT, SCT 50 Video, HDT (True Heading), DBS (Depth Below the Surface), GGA/TLL/VTG, TC-100 Video Time Code Sync, Link Quest DVL (Enable Tx), GLL (Integrated Navigation), Remote IPS Display ($PIUDP), GGA/VTG/VTG, and Ext Trigger USBL (UDP).  Please see the NMEA Summary section of this manual for more detailed information on serial output formats.
  • Note: The following serial output strings: GGA, TPD, TLL and Remote IPS Display ($PIUDP) have target location data values that are also independent of the reference location. However, the locations of the serial output string TTMT is with respect to the reference location if it is enabled. If the reference location is enabled the word 'ref' will be displayed in the target position box.
•     Note: When the TPD format is selected as NMEA serial output the target's depth will be given in the current IPS system units. This means the target's depth will be expressed in meters if meters are the current system units and feet in all other cases.
•     Note: For GLL, the talker for input is $GP, the output talker is $IN.
Using the SCT Video Feature:
The SCT Video selection will display text onto a video image in real time. To use the IPS SCT Video feature follow the instructions listed below. 
1.        Open the appropriate port  with a baud rate of 9600 using the
           SETUP -> Communications menu  command. Please see the Communications section of
           this manual for more information.
2.        Select SCT Video as the SERIAL OUT ->Output Data Format.
3.         Set SERIAL OUT -> Target ID to number of the target that is being
            tracked.  This must be done, or no data will be sent out to the video image.
4.          Set the hardware ID on the SCT-50 to 01.
5.         Remember that if SCT Video is selected SERIAL OUT -> Check Sum and
            SERIAL -OUT -> GPS Echo cannot be used. (grayed out).
The text displayed when using the  SCT Video includes the latitude, longitude, PC time, depth reported by the depth sounder and depth of the selected target ID. The targets latitude and longitude are displayed on the upper left of the screen. The targets depth is displayed in the upper right of the screen. The PC time is displayed in the lower left of the screen and the depth below the ship in the lower right. The depth below the ship is supplied by its depth sounder via the NMEA string DBT in units of feet The current PC time is adjusted by the Zone Description. 
The Horita Serial Control Titler model number SCT-50 may be used as an interface device to send the IPS output string to video device. From more information on the SCT-50 contact Horita at the following address:
(714) 489-0240
                         General Inquiries:
                     Technical Support:
PAL Format:
allows the user to set PAL format to on or off.  If the check box is checked PAL format will be used when sending out SCT Video data. This settings has no effect if SCT Video has not been selected as the Output Data Format. The default setting is off.
Output Display:
opens a window that displays all serial out data. The window will remain open when the Serial Out dialog box is closed.
Acoustic Modem:
Acoustic Modem Tracking:
this check box must be on (checked) to allow acoustic modem tracking to occur.
when the Range push button is clicked the slant range is calculated by interrogating the micro modem.  The transponder is not used in the calculation and the bearing information is not provided.  The answer is displayed in the edit box to the right of the range push button.
Bluefin AUV Commands:
The following three AUV commands are only enabled if Acoustic Modem Tracking check box has been selected.
Return-Transit to End
The AUV will return to the last mission waypoint.
Stop Kill Tailcone
Disables power to the AUV tailcone(thruster) and the AUV will float to the surface if it is positively buoyant.
Drop Weight
Starts the dropweight process for the AUV.
End Mission:
not available at this time.
USBL Track Time/Cycle:
determines how long the USBL tracking continues before an acoustic modem command is sent out. You would only get one possible ping once the target is enabled if the track time is set to the minimum (2 seconds).
Target USBL ID:
allows the user to select which of the USBL targets will be used to send a type 28 message to the acoustic modem. The type 28 message consists of the ships position data and the USBL's geodetic position and a position error estimate.
Vehicle Status:
query to send back vehicle status.
allows the user to assign an unused ORE target number to a target position coming from an acoustic modem.
Modem Configuration:
opens the Modem Configuration dialog box.
Target Ship Configuration:
opens the Target Ship Configuration dialog box.
TC-100 Settings:
This tab allows the user to set the variables that effect the TC-100 video overlay appearance.
TC-100 Font Size:
Allows the user to set the font size on the TC-100 video overlay.
TC-100 Screen Position: 
Allows the user to set position of the TC-100 video overlay to the top or bottom of the screen.
TC-100 on Screen Display:
If enabled (checked) the TC-100 information will be displayed on the screen.
Sync TC-100 Time to PC Clock:
If this check box is enabled the TC-100 time is synchronized with the PC clock.
Apply TC-100 Settings:
Applies and saves the setting shown above. This does the same thing as clicking the apply button on the bottom of the dialog box, but only the TC-100 settings are changed.
AM Configuration:
Modem NVRAM Configuration Parameters:
Allows the user to select which of 33 NVARM parameters such as BR1  [0-7]  Baud rate for serial port 1 or PTO  Int  Packet timeout (sec)  can be set in the  Parameter Settings see edit box below.
Parameter Settings:
Allows the user to enter the parameter setting that corresponds with the configuration parameter selected in
Modem NVRAM Configuration Parameters. For example, if BR1 [0-7] Baud rate is selected the Modem NVRAM Configuration Parameters list box then the valid entries for Parameter Settings are
Check Settings:
If this check box is enabled the check sum will be added at the end of the AM modem configuration string.
Also See:
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